I'm a big fan of the seven flower pop up card, but sometimes it's just too much.
Here's a tiny version, constructed from three little daisy flowers.
The finished card is only 3" tall and 1.5" wide.
How to make a three flower pop up card
Download flower template set PDF, DXF (opens in Silhouette Studio), SVG (how to use my SVG files in Cricut Design Space), Silhouette Studio
Files download for free; pay what you wish for the tutorial and to support this site. Suggested contribution for this project is $1.00.
The template set includes a plain daisy petal outline and also a layered daisy with both the petal outline and the center graphic (for those of you who want to do print-and-cut with your cutting machine).
Cut three daisies.
Fold each daisy as shown--across the center line that goes along the top of the "piece of pie" cut out.

Apply a small amount of glue to the two petals on the far right.

Fold those two petal to the left, gluing them exactly on top of the two petals they align with.

Dot a tiny spot of glue on the center two petals of two daisies.

Stack the daisies, aligning petals: a daisy with glue spots up, the second daisy with glue spots up, the third daisy (the one with no glue) on top.

Cut a piece of card stock, 3" x 3" square. Crease in half and open.
Lay the daisy stack near the edge of the card with the petals facing away from the center fold. You don't need to be in any exact place here--just make sure the petals are not hanging over the edge of the card.
Dot a tiny spot of glue on the center four petals of the top daisy.
Close the card, flip it over and open. Dot a tiny spot of glue on the center four petals of the top daisy on this side. Close the card and allow to dry.

Decorate the front of the card as desired. I'm not sure where I found the photo of the Valentine conversation hearts. I drew the large hearts in CorelDraw, filled them with colors from the photo using the eyedropper tool, then added a drop shadow and the Valentine sentiments.

Extreme Cards and Papercrafting: pop up cards, movable and mechanical cards, digital crafts and unusual papercrafts.